Ocean Protection, Restoration, and Sustainability Act

Entries for Ocean Protection, Restoration, and Sustainability Act

Displaying 6 - 10 of 17 1 2 3 4
Full Name Zip Code Why I approved This Act
Anthony Bancheri 89018

The oceans ecosystems need the time to have ability to recover.

Aurora Driscoll 89074

Let's protect our earth.

Andre Hadley 89119

Ocean needs protected

####Yurani Tatis citizen of Colombia 11001

I approved this Act because I think It is important to be aware about the environmental care, this is something that everybody has to be involved, the future of the next generation depends on this.

#####Mariano Salas Citizen of Colombia 11001

It is a good project in order to protect our naturals resources and ensure the future of our family.

Full Name Zip Code Why I approved This Act
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